Stacked Masonry Heaters finished in Slate and stucco.

  Stacked Masonry Heaters finished in slate and stucco are a great way to have a masonry heater on 2 floors of a larger house. This SR-13 5 sided basement stacked heater was built with one of our Solid Rock Masonry heater kits. Only the stone portion of the...

Saylor SR-22HWO Hybrid Core With White Oven, Side And Front Heated Bench. Finished By Owner

For this design the homeowner wanted a large room divider with a front and side heated bench and optional wood storage.  We built our SR-22 HWO hybrid core system.  We added a white oven plus a front and side heated bench that extended into the room with the...
Scantlin SR-22 with white oven, 3 sided heated bench, rear wood loading door and side chimney. Finished with local granite fieldstone.

Scantlin SR-22 with white oven, 3 sided heated bench, rear wood loading door and side chimney. Finished with local granite fieldstone.

This is one of our SR-22HWO Hybrid masonry heater cores with a white oven  being built.  Our client wanted to be able to see the fire and be able to see and load the fire from 2 rooms so we designed a smaller door on the back side of the heater to facilitate...

Balas SR-18 masonry heating system with oval channels, a rear facing white oven and heated bench. Finished in fieldstone, brick, and stucco. Brick was finished with clay plaster.

We built this masonry mass stove down by Strum WI for one of Mark Morgans of clients.  Mark is one of the most well versed green building contractors in the US.  He teaches green building across the country and is always willing to help...
Fearing SR-18 Corner Masonry Heater unit with black oven, hot water loop, & heated bench. Finished in brick and limestone hearth.

Fearing SR-18 Corner Masonry Heater unit with black oven, hot water loop, & heated bench. Finished in brick and limestone hearth.

The Fearing masonry heater was built down by St.Croix Falls, WI.  We were replacing an existing inefficient wood stove with an efficient clean burning masonry mass stove.  The owners wanted the masonry heater in the corner but did not want to change the existing...